Hvernig kemst ég?
Við hvetjum alla til að koma út í Grímsey a.m.k. einu sinni á ævinni, okkur finnst það vera einstakur staður. Grímsey liggur um 40 km norður af landinu.
Allar ferðir út í Grímsey fara frá flugvellinum á Akureyri eða úr höfninni á Dalvík.
Með ferju
Með ferjunni Sæfara
Aðal samgönguæð Grímseyinga er ferjan Sæfari sem fer frá Dalvík. Samskip sér um rekstur ferjunnar og á vef þeirra er hægt að bóka miða. Sæfari departs from Dalvík (30min drive from Akureyri) harbor. The ferry ride takes about 3 hours and on the way you may see dolphins and big whales, such as Humpback whales and sometimes even Blue whales have been spotted.
Click here to see the schedule and BOOK a trip to Grímsey or both ways with Samskip
Arctic Trip offers activities during the ferry stop but we advise everyone, especially during summertime, to enjoy the midnight sun and stay with us overnight. The restaurant and guesthouse welcomes you!
By Aeroplane
If you prefer a shorter travel time you can book a domestic flight with Air Iceland, for example. There are scheduled flights every week from Akureyri airport to Grimsey and during the summer months there are daily departures to and from Grímsey. The flight duration is a mere 30 min where you will enjoy a magnificent scenery over Eyjafjordur bay!
Information on airiceland.is
Air Iceland: +354 570 3800 – Book here!
Norlandair – information & schedule
Book by phone:
Norlandair: +354 414 6960
Grimsey Airport: +354 467 3148
Private tour
Arctic Trip has experienced captains and boats and we are able to transport you to the mainland if other schedules are not suitable for you. Contact Us for price and availability.