Grímsey Summer Tour on the Arctic Circle We are very excited to offer you the best of the Arctic part of Iceland in a day! The Grimsey Summer Tour is a day tour when we will meet you in Grímsey right after you’ve exited the ferry Sæfari. The boat ride (book...
Grimsey Winter Tour on the Arctic Circle Experience the elements like a local – first hand! We are very excited to offer you the best of the Arctic part of Iceland in a day! The Arctic Grimsey Winter Tour is a unique experience during the off season. The seas...
Snorkeling in the ocean by the Arctic island of Grímsey is a unique experience. The ocean around Grímsey island has been a rich fishing ground for centuries and the area around the island is full of life with a great celp forest on the bottom, the home of many...
Arctic Sightseeing at Sea – Boat Tour Join us on a boat tour around the island of Grimsey, a very remote 5 km2 island surrounded by the Atlantic sea. The island is spectacular to view from sea, the steep cliffs inhabited by various sea birds, the creeks and...
Sea Angling is a great sport for the whole family! The North Atlantic ocean around the island is a rich fishing ground where fishermen have sought for centuries, reaching way back since Iceland was first settled in 10th century. Fishing has long been the main industry...
Halla was my guide and it so happened that I was the only one on tour that day so I received a personal tour. It is not a cheap... read more tour so I was very lucky to have all my questions answered and to be able...More
alkeni 22/07/2019
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We are aware of our social responsibility and we only hire local guides and ship captains for our tours.